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Showing posts from June, 2018

Atmega328/P: Basic Circuit and Configuring Fuse Bits

     Now that you have probably installed the driver for USBasp , it's time that we move on to mount the basic circuit for Atmega328 and get it running on the breadboard. You can get a new Atmega328/P micro-controller or just scavenge one from an Arduino UNO lying around. Before we mount the circuit on breadboard here's the of components that are required. Atmega328/P (28 PIN DIP package) 22pf Ceramic Capacitors Qty 2 nos. 16MHz crystal Qty 1 nos. [have 2-3 in spare just in case the one in use is damaged] Tactile Switch/Push Button Qty 1 nos. Resistor 10K Ohm Qty 1 nos. LED 1 nos. Breadboard Connecting Wires       The schematic below shows how to configure Atmega328/P on breadboard. I have posted a hand drawn schematic as well as an eagle schematic. Before you mount the circuit lets understand functions of pin that we are using to make a basic circuit of Atmega328/P. Configuring Atmega328/P [Click to Open) Pin 1 [PC6(RE...

USBasp: Driver Installation

     USBasp is an in-circuit programmer for Atmel micro-controllers. It is a nice option if you're just starting with micro-controllers, especially those from Atmel and aren't willing to spend much on a programmer. USBasp uses in-circuit programming interface for uploading your compiled code to the micro-controller.      Before we can use the USBasp we need to make sure that we install the drivers correctly. If you are a Linux or Mac OS user, there's no need to install any driver as your machine will automatically detect the USBasp. So driver installation comes for Windows user like me. It is easy to install the drivers for USBasp, all you need to do are just carry out few steps that I will be telling. Step 1      Download the Zadig application from here . Zadig is an application that has a set of some generic usb drivers and one of them is for USBasp. Now plug in USBasp before running the application. Step 2  ...

Setting Up

     Before moving to actual tutorials, I will list out few basic hardware and software that will be required. I will also tell the need of these items in this post. I will also provide the links of the software and datasheets.       Following is the list of the required hardware: Breadboard for mounting any circuit Connecting Wires: You can use standard single stranded wires or jumper cables Atmel's Atmega328-PU or Atmega328P-PU: This is a 28 PIN 8 bit micro-controller, you can get those easily in the market. You can also use any other 8 Bit micro-controller from Atmel, like Atmega8, Atmega168, Atmega16, etc. Since my tutorials will be mostly first conducted on Arduino Board and then standalone micro-controller I will suggest anyone from Atmega328/328P. I will be using Amega328-PU. Arduino Development Board: This hardware is totally optional. I will be using arduino hardware just to demonstrate the program difference between Arduino ...